Blog Archive

Friday, August 27, 2021

A day in Port Everglades and we're off again

We docked in Port Everglades very early this morning due to a non-COVID-related medical situation.

After all the passengers got off, the 41 back-to-backers like us gathered and waited to be taken off the ship to clear customs.

The officer handling the process approached us and said we needed to be first off the ship. Hmmm... That's odd. The others went into a line. We were taken into a room by ourselves. A customs officer came out, told us to enjoy food and drink and they'd see us after the next cruise. Wait, what?

We went and joined the others, were photographed, and then we all were escorted back into the ship.

We have no idea what's in store for us when we return, but there's nothing we can do, so, on to the ship we went.

We got our internet set up and headed up for lunch. Then, we spent time by the pool, read, hot tubbed, and relaxed.

We got a terrific table by the window for dinner for the whole cruise. It's awesome. We have the same service team taking care of us as the last cruise, so the service is amazing.

As we sailed away from Port Everglades, the Coast Guard provided an armed escort.

They were packing serious firepower.

We did catch a glimpse of the Carnival Mardi Gras heading north back to Port Canaveral. We have friends in that ship but they were in the steakhouse and couldn't come out and wave.

Tomorrow, Nassau, Bahamas.

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