Blog Archive

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Time to face Customs...

This morning found us docking at Port Everglades. Cue music indicating impending danger!

There was some other traffic in the area, but it was otherwise quiet.

As we disembarked, all that we thought about was our Customs experience between cruises when the officer said that he'd talk with us when we came back.  What could they want from us?  Would we be arrested?  Would we be accused of smuggling?  Would we be told to just get back on the ship and take another cruise? (well, we knew it wouldn't be that one...)

We walked off, grabbed our luggage, and proceeded to the exit where you pass through a facial recognition scanner.  We each did so, and the machine told both of us to walk through.  And just like that, we left the port.  Quite the non-event.  So, who knows what the deal was between cruises, but there wasn't an issue. Whew!

We caught the shuttle to take us to the hotel where our vehicle was parked.  After loading up the luggage, we hit the road for the approximately 3.75-hour ride home.  Along the way, we stopped at DG Doughnuts - a place recommended by friends.

Since we are low on breakfast food at the moment, this cinnamon roll fritter looked like a good choice for the next few days!

We arrived home without issue and had to unload the luggage.

Unpacking will take a while, but sorting out three weeks' worth of mail and packages could take longer.

Tonight, we'll be dining at the pool bar with friends.  Tomorrow, it will be back to the daily grind of water volleyball, golf, pickleball, and other fun.  It's tough, but we'll power through it.  We enjoyed our Southern Caribbean adventure, and it's good to be home.  

This wraps up the blog for the trip.  Watch for our next travel adventure!

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