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Friday, October 1, 2021

Day 7 - Nassau means no bacon

Say it ain't so, Cap'n!  

Carnival has been dealing with supply chain issues since their restart of sailing, and a shortage of bacon is one of the results.  These signs greeted diners in the buffet.  But, this wasn't the first bad thing to happen today.

We docked in Nassau early in the morning - before our planned 7:30am arrival.  That's why we got up and got breakfast - we planned to walk ashore for a little shopping before our exciting swim with sea turtle and four island zodiac boat adventure.  But...this little tidbit was left on our door...

Yup - our excursion was canceled with no explanation. But then...

We weren't allowed off the ship - at least not anytime soon after docking.  Clearance from the local authorities is usually quick and easy, but not so today.  We didn't get cleared until sometime between 9:30 AM and 10:00 AM.  So, earlier excursions got pushed back and later ones got canceled.  With a planned 3"00 PM sail time, there was no time for an excursion.

With nothing else on the agenda, given our canceled plans, we decided to walk ashore and stroll through the tourist shopping area.

We did our best to help out the local economy and then returned to the ship.  Along with the Mardi Gras (5,282 passenger capacity), we were joined in port by the Royal Caribbean Allure of the Seas (5,400 passenger capacity) and the MSC Divina (4,363 passenger capacity).  All told, with about 15,000 passenger capacity, and assuming all are operating at about 60% like we are, that's still around 9,000 tourists in port today.  It is this kind of activity that is really going to help all the island's economies recover from the 12-18 month tourism hiatus.

Dropping off our stuff in the cabin, we found the traditional towel sculpture for the final day of the cruise.

After lunch, and listening to a little reggae by the pool, it was time to do the least pleasant activity of a cruise...pack.

Pre-dinner drinks tonight are at Brass Magnolia, a New Orleans-themed bar. Their signature look is lighting made from trombone bells.

Tonight, they featured a violin trio to provide the ambiance.

For dinner tonight, we returned to Cucina del Capitano for a little farewell Italian. That gave us an outside table and we enjoyed our last Caribbean sunset.

Before calling it a night, we stopped for a final round at the Alchemy Bar, or, with clever posing, My Bar.

It's been a wonderful cruise with wonderful friends. Tomorrow morning will come too early - eat a quick breakfast, grab the bags, catch the shuttle, and then drive home. I'll have one more post to wrap things up tomorrow.

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