Blog Archive

Friday, December 31, 2021

World Cruise Day 8/152 - Panama Canal birds - (post two of two)

Cruise day: 8/152
Ports days: 3
Sea days: 5
Countries: 3
Continents: 1
Ports: 3
Two of two posts today

There were tons of interesting birds in and around the Panama Canal today.  I tried to capture some of them. I am absolutely not a bird expert, so any misidentification is unintended and not meant to mislead or confuse.  It is simply that I am wrong.




This one was interesting - vultures were picking about some kind of roadkill and a single great blue heron was observing.  Weird.


Magnificent Frigatebirds


  1. Great pics of the birds.

    What do you use to crop? Excellent job.

  2. Do you use a camera on a tripod for these photos? We sure can't manage anything like this quality with our cellphones! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Enjoying your blog. The birds you described as Kitebirds are actually Magnificent Frigatebirds non-breeding males, immatures or females. The ones with the red on the neck are Magnificent Frigatebird males in full breeding plumage.

  4. Enjoying following your voyage. What you marked as kites are actually frigate birds as well … unlike the males, which have the red gular pouches and are black, the females and juveniles are black and white.

    1. Thanks for the correction, Erin. Noted and updated.


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