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Saturday, July 9, 2022

Caribbean Princess cruise - The wrap-up

Caribbean Princess cruise

The wrap-up

We awoke this morning, ready to head home.  The cruise was over and it was time to go.  After breakfast in the buffet, we put the last items in our suitcases and headed down - or so we thought.  We opted to self-assist, meaning we didn't put our luggage out the night before.  Taking one bag each off the ship isn't a big deal.

We walked to the elevators and waited.  And waited. And waited.  The elevators were full continually.  Ultimately, we opted to get on an elevator going up, so we could eventually go down.  We finally got to deck #5 and left the ship.  Let me say that the new facial recognition Customs process is amazing.  You walk up, it recognizes you, turns green, and you're on you're way.  After the elevators, getting off the ship was one of the easiest things we've down this week and certainly had the shortest line.

Into the SUV we went and headed north on the turnpike. It gave me more time to play with GM's Super Cruise autonomous driving.  Woo!

It is awesome watching the vehicle drive itself almost like magic

We hit Orlando around 11:30 AM and we were hungry, so that meant one thing - Giordano's!

As you can see, Arlona was really enjoying Meat and More Deep Dish - and we'll be eating well for days!

We finished the drive home and unpacked.  It is so nice living close to ports so there's no flight home.  Before I started writing this, we were both completely unpacked and the laundry is done, folded, and put away.

Next on the agenda?  Using some of our government-supplied medical testing kits!  We figured after a week on a ship that was booked to busting at the seams, it was probably a good idea to take a home COVID test.

Both negative - we survived!

This brings to an end our first, and possibly last Princess Cruise adventure.  We have a Royal Caribbean cruise scheduled in September (watch this space for that adventure) so we'll see if what we experienced this week was a Princess thing or an industry thing. If it is an industry thing, then we will consider giving Princess another chance once they get their act together.  If other cruise lines have it figured out, then we will enjoy our cruise experiences with them.

While this hasn't been a great cruise, it has been a learning experience and a recognition of the issues that the cruise lines have regarding staffing.  Between COVID testing, visa, and a general reduction in the global workforce, all of the cruise lines seem to be struggling to get enough crew to properly staff ships.  Unfortunately, that hasn't stopped them from filling the vessel to the brim with passengers.  Ultimately, I expect one of two things to come from this.  1) People will get fed up and stop cruising, or; 2) The service level will universally fall on cruises, tarnishing the experience and lowering the overall value of a cruise.  As long as people accept that, the industry will be able to provide lower-quality service at top-tier rates.  As a result, we will be looking at other forms of travel and stop cruising.  Our fingers are crossed that things eventually get back to normal and all the cruise lines return to providing outstanding experiences and service.  Time will tell. 

While I certainly had a lot of negative things to say about this experience, we did enjoy our snorkeling, since our plans to snorkel through the South Pacific on the world cruise changed when the ship changed direction.  We found our own fun and made the best of the situation.

This trip is in the books.  Explorer of the Seas, here we come in less than two months!  We'll see you then!


  1. Replies
    1. One piece is all I can eat at any one time. Try Lou Malnati’s if you ever get to Chicago.

    2. Nice to see you again! Amazing that you didn't get Covid on a packed ship! I've been following CC's Grand European River Cruise because we're going in October. Seems like all the ships are full of people who are probably sick, but don't have to test, so they don't., which I totally understand. If you have only cold symptoms and it doesn't slow you down, try to protect others and enjoy the cruise. I've only cruised on Hurtigruten and Viking and intend to keep it that way. Your ship's atrium looks like a 2nd tier Vegas casino...I do like your attitude though -- keep making your own fun!

  2. Lovely to hear about all your travels. What cruises have you got lined up?

    1. We have a southern Caribbean on Royal Caribbean coming up in a couple of months and a Vancouver to Sydney on Viking next fall. We'll see if anything sneaks in between there. :-)

  3. Garry, Thanks for taking us along once again. The last Princess Cruise we took was December 2021 as it was a deal Mexico from San Pedro. Better service than you experienced that was due to fewer people on ship due to Covid and crew that was recently brought back to service. We were on a Royal Class ship which was recently build so the Medallion worked well. But after Viking in May 2022 we understand why Heidi on Cruise Critic is critical of Princess. Next cruise for us is September HAL Quebec to Boston then Viking on the Nile in April 2023, that is unless we can get a last minute deal Panama Canal FL to home next December

  4. Hi Garry: Just off Caribbean Princess yesterday, and home to the PNW. I echo many of your issues with the Medallion system. One morning all passengers going ashore had to wait hours because the upgrade from the previous night brought down the system. It was a mess. That said, we had fabulous snorkeling in Grand Cayman, Roatán, Belize and Cozumel, mostly on non-Princess excursions. The Sanctuary up front is a quiet haven with excellent service. Our meals were fine in the dining room and the Deck 15 back specialty restaurants had nice buffets (free) for breakfast and lunch. Now, our group of 5 had one left in Ft Lauderdale to quarantine because of Covid and two other's tested positive today. Hubby and I did not but that's because in April we returned from a Viking river cruise with Covid. Will we sail Princess again? Possibly but only with a great $$$ deal and the perfect itinerary. We're on Viking British Isles in April 2023 , and the Douro Fall 2023. Look forward to your Blog on your Royal Caribbean trip.


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