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Monday, October 23, 2023

20231024 AAAA Trip - Hong Kong day 2 - Shopping

2023 Alaska, Asia, Australia, Arabian Peninsula Trip 
Day 38/105 - Hong Kong Day #2

Our plan today was to take the free shuttle into town and wander, shop, browse, etcetera.  That shuttle doesn't start until noon and nothing opens before 11 a.m. anyway, so we had the morning.  What to do...

First up - laundry!  We didn't have a lot, but since we had the time, a quick load meant clean clothes for a while.

Next was to watch from our balcony.  Kowloon Bay, where we are docked, has a non-stop parade of interesting vehicles.

It looked like this was hauling sand

A tug, towing some type of barge

There were a bunch more behind on shore

Two of the ferries

A little bit of everything

A small cargo container ship

Another tug, towing perhaps a platform

That looks nice

Definitely the smaller vessel out there

This monstrosity was heading right for us

It is a bunkering vessel - here to deliver fuel

The tie-up process was pretty complicated - next up was to use the crane to deliver the fuel line to our ship

After getting all hooked up, they started delivering marine fuel to the Viking Orion.  It will take several hours.

Today, we opted to take the free shuttle bus into town and wander around.  The trip took about 20 minutes and deposited us on Chatham Road, near the Nathan Road Golden Mile shopping area.

Take a look at the lead image today with the "Look Left" and "Look Right" verbiage painted on the road.  This is important as the drivers here would be just as happy mowing you down versus if you waited to cross with the light when they had to stop.  They are aggressive and based on what we saw, there must be a point system assigned to pedestrians as drivers had no intention of yielding for walkers anywhere.

We walked south towards the harbor.

The Space Museum is along the waterfront

Several handprints along the railing goes along the waterfront.  This is similar to the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles but for stars of Asian movies and television.

There is a huge mall - K11 - along the waterfront.  A high-end mall, it was stunning, both inside and out with many live walls on the outside.

We headed west to Nathan Street and then turned north to the Golden Mile shopping area.

A mosque, right on Nathan Street

We popped into a store to capture today's chip flavors of the day for you all.

Salted egg chips

Seaweed salmon teriyaki chips

Nailed it
We stumbled on a park along the way

The stairs were cool

Below the park, they had a promenade that featured famous Chinese animated characters.

We browsed and went through several shops.  I may or may not have purchased a new drone. :-) (I did)

Back on the south end of Salisbury Road, we walked through the Peninsula Hotel - an amazingly high-end hotel.

Yup - that's a Rolls in the middle

One Rolls?  Heck - we've got three!

After a few hours of wandering, we made it back to the shuttle bus and the 20-minute ride back to the terminal. Once there, we made the roughly 1500-step walk from the bus through the terminal and back to the ship.

Since we were out all afternoon, we missed lunch.  That's OK as we can afford to skip a meal (or in my case, lots of meals). But, it meant we were hungry, so after a pre-dinner libation at the Explorers' Bar, we hit up the World Café right at 6 p.m. for some sustenance. A little sea bass, duck a l'orange, and sides to go with and we were feeling fine.

With all the new passengers coming on today, there was little on the entertainment calendar tonight.  After dinner, we met up with friends from our Polaris Antarctica cruise who joined today through Balii. 

We have no plans until tomorrow evening when we will take the Hong Kong After Dark tour so we will see what the morning holds for us.

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