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Monday, October 30, 2023

20231030 AAAA Trip - Sea Day snipping and snoozing

2023 Alaska, Asia, Australia, Arabian Peninsula Trip 
Day 44/105 - Sea Day snipping and snoozing

This will be a short post as today was a day at sea.  We're making our way south along the Vietnam coast, through the South China Sea to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  It was a slow day with lots of active weather, making for a lazy day at sea.

After breakfast, we hung out in the room for a bit but needed to clear out so our outstanding cabin stewards, Jomar and Aiko, could service the room.   We wandered a bit, chatted with friends, and then made our way to deck 2 aft and watched the ship's wake for a while. It is very relaxing.

As we sat there, the rain started up.

It kept raining harder, eventually soaking the back of deck 2.

The rains slowed and stopped and we made our way back to our cleaned and tidied room.  We headed up to trivia where half our team abandoned us today. The three of us made a great effort on the picture trivia but came up well short.  Gilberto showed a series of images and we had to identify the place, the flag, the person from just forehead and eyes, the type of food from a close-up - that kind of thing.  It was difficult, at least for us as we scored 9/15, but two teams tied at 14/15 and had a tiebreaker.  It was an interesting take on trivia and something a little different.

At lunch, we noticed this stowaway, hitching a ride outside the World Café.

It appeared to be a striated sparrow catching a ride south

This afternoon, we cruised through thunderstorms for a couple of hours.  Arlona gave me a haircut and then we climbed into bed and watched the storm through the balcony window.  We aren't really "nap" people, but today was a perfect nap day and we took advantage of it, falling asleep to the flashes and booms of the storm.

After drinks in the Explorers' Bar, we met our friends from home, Jon & Margo, for dinner at Manfredi's.  As usual, dinner was terrific and we had a nice evening with friends.

We will be sailing until about 1 p.m. tomorrow when we make port in Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon.  We will be in Ho Chi Minh City for three days so tune in tomorrow for more Southeast Asia adventures.

1 comment:

  1. If a tour into Ho Chi Minh City might include the water puppets go it was the best show we saw (well maybe) on our W/C in 2023.


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