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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

20231107 AAAA Trip - Laem Chabang, Thailand Day 2 - Intimate elephants

2023 Alaska, Asia, Australia, Arabian Peninsula Trip 
Day 52/105 - Laem Chabang, Thailand - Intimate elephants

There was a theme today...

Today was disenbarkation/embarkation day.   Lots leaving, lots more arriving.  We headed out at noon to go on an elephant adventure!

After breakfast, we peeked out back and saw this.

The Celebrity Solstice is docked right behind us - we sailed on her on our ill-fated New Zealand/Australia trip in March 2020

Our driver, Alex, arrived right at noon per our schedule.  He took us south outside Pattaya to the Pattaya Elephant Sanctuary.  

The sanctuary is home to three Asian elephants, Thangthai, 45, female; Somkid, 56, female; and Frank, 9, male.  All were rescued from forced labor lives of hardship and abuse.  They now live free, uncaged, with care, food, and community.  


Frank and Somkid

They described this as Frank enjoying "happy hour"

There were lots of chickens running around

Their trunks are amazingly articulated and incredibly strong.

We made special food for them - sticky rice with turmeric, salt, and other spices and herbs to help maintain their health

We pressed it into balls and then fed it to the elephants - they loved it

Next, we took a walk with the elephants through the woods.

They are amazingly gentle for how massive they are

Frank, at nine, is just coming into sexual maturity and it showed

Frank was pretty mischievous

Getting an appreciation for how big their feet are

Frank, getting friendly


Frank thought my head looked cold

Our excellent guide for the day

We were able to get in the bath with the elephants and give them a scrub

The sanctuary also rescued water buffalo that were abused.

After our elephant encounter, we were treated to a wonderful Thai lunch.

Traditional Thai french fries

Our driver, Alex, was there when we finished and brought us back to the ship.

Today was a bit of a sad day as we said goodbye to our excellent cabin steward, Jomar.  He finished his contract and gets to spend a couple of well-deserved months at home with this family.  Lucky for us, his assistant, Aiko, equally excellent, remains with us. 

One of the things Viking does very well is expose guests to local culture by way of destination performances.  Tonight was no exception as Viking brought aboard a Thai music and dance group, The Thai Music House of Duriya-Praneet Band. It was interesting seeing the Thai dance routines set to traditional Thai music on traditional Thai instruments.

Tomorrow is our last day in Thailand.  We plan to take the shuttle into Pattaya and explore.

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