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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

20240924 EF Go Ahead National Parks Bus Tour Day 13/20 - Jackson to Missoula

American West Bus Tour Day 13/20 - Jackson to Missoula by way of Idaho

Our day started with a laugh. Remember yesterday's adventure where we were stuck in construction traffic returning from the Snake River Float? This was on the front page of the local paper this morning.

So, yeah - we participated in a newsworthy event.

We were on the road just after 7:45 for a long bus day for the remaining 19 of us continuing on this extension to Glacier. It is a hike to Glacier National Park from Jackson so that long haul was split into one long day (today) and a shorter day tomorrow. Our destination was Missoula, Montana. 

We departed Jackson, Wyoming, and headed up through Teton Pass, right through the heart of the Tetons. We climbed, eventually cresting at 8,432 feet above sea level, the highest we've been since Mesa Verde.

Of course, there were lots of twists and turns

We had a small detour around a section of the road that collapsed earlier this year

At the bottom of the pass, we crossed into Idaho.

Apparently, placing stickers on Idaho welcome signs is a thing - it happens at all state borders crossing into Idaho

We saw the view that the French trappers saw that caused them to name the mountains, the Tetons. To these obviously love-starved trappers, the three peaks resembled female breasts. Tèton in French translates to nipple in English.

All I can say is that these French trappers must not have seen an actual woman in some time

Think Idaho, think potatoes - it was appropriate that we saw a "Spudnik" potato harvester

Unlike when we passed through Idaho last time, this time, we made a stop in Rexburg, Idaho.

Boots on the ground - my 48th state, Arlona's 46th

Proof we're in Idaho

Arlona went literal with boots on the ground (they weren't comfy so she didn't buy them)

The Kelce brothers are stumping for Garage Beer - beer flavored beer

Need a cooler with a huge steer head? - they've got 'em

We continued on after our comfort stop, taking the the sights.

You have to love the speed limits in these wide-open areas

We crossed into Montana and crossed the continental divide again

A whole lot of nothing

We cruised through a weigh station

We passed two sets of trucks transporting wind turbine blades

These things are huge

Clark Canyon Reservoir

We arrived at our lunch stop, Dillon, Montana. 

Dillon is an old railroad town somewhat in the middle of nowhere

We opted to dine at Cranny's Grill. It is connected to Cranny's Club, a tavern and casino.

The grill recently opened to augment the tavern

Cranny's owner, Katie Cranston, was on hand, making sure everything was perfect

We enjoyed our tasty bacon-cheese burgers and Cranny Coins - flat tater tots like Burger King hashbrowns. It was a plain old good lunch experience and if you're ever in Dillon, pop in and tell Katie that we say 'hi'. You won't be sorry.

Metlen Hotel Bar & Cafe

After lunch, we continued on toward the Grant-Kohrs Ranch

Anaconda Smelter Stack - tallest surviving masonry structure in the world, with an overall height of about 585 feet

We had to stop as this asphalt paver crossed the road

We arrived at Grant-Kohrs Ranch in Deer Lodge, Montana

Grant-Kohrs Ranch was once the headquarters of a 10 million-acre cattle empire. Significantly smaller, it is now operated by the National Park Service to preserve a piece of America's cattle ranching history and the role of cattlemen in America.

The original house - it was beautiful inside but we weren't allowed to take photos inside

We toured the various structures and areas on the ranch. It was an amazing operation. In one year, they sold $100,000 worth of cattle. In today's money, that would equate to $13 million. That's a lot of cattle.


Harnesses for a multi-horse carriage


Blacksmith shop

A hay stacker called a beaverslide

We tried our hand at roping

We both failed

A short 1.5 hours after leaving the ranch, we pulled into the Courtyard Missoula, our sleeping situation for tonight. It's just a one-night stay here in Missoula. Tomorrow, we will have a couple activities in Missoula before driving to Kalispell, Montana. We have two more days before this bus tour ends and we venture onward on our own for a few more days.


  1. We are sitting in the Tokyo Airport waiting for our flight to LA. We just finished the Viking Cruises Wonders of China trip. It was awesome. You will love it. We both caught up on your blog as we could not access your site while we were in China proper. You must have been put on a banned list. We were able to access your blog while on the ship. We survived Tibet at over 12,000 feet. Get your knees fixed as the hike up to the palace is terrific. Enjoy Glacier.

  2. Enjoying your journey, thanks for sharing. Our daughter went to BYU Idaho and we would travel from our home in central California to Rexburg and stay weeks at a time. There’s a local grocery store chain called Broulims which we miss as well as the state liquor store at the gas station/Burger King, lol (hubby and I not LDS).


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