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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

20250129 Seabourn Sojourn Grand Africa Cruise Day 65/96 - Cape Town, South Africa

Grand Africa Cruise Trip Day 65/96 - Cape Town, South Africa - a lazy day, recovering

Ahh...sleeping in. Something we haven't been able to do for a week. Then, at 7:30, a phone call. The suite phone rang twice and then stopped. Dang it - we were awake. Or well, we'll try again tomorrow.

I found this guy in the bathroom this morning - I was so tired last night that I missed it

We pulled back the curtains this morning and saw the same view we had about a month ago

We ate a leisurely breakfast and caught up with friends before heading for a lazy walk along the waterfront.

Table Mountain had a partial tablecloth all day long

So, no horns, no owls?

A mural in a building we cut through to get to the waterfront

One of the local tours

Table Mountain looked lovely

Fun sculptures

Inside a shopping venue

We found a great local jewelry and art shop and bolstered the local economy acquiring some nice memory pieces.

Arlona picked up these cool elephant and giraffe earrings

I got this ring and bracelet pair - the black is made from elephant hair

Arriving at the waterfront

The Peace and Democracy statue is a bronze sculpture by Noria Mabasa in Nobel Square

We were thirsty so we stopped for a drink. Arlona had a Coke Zero.

This was the best-looking beer I had ever seen

We strolled through the V&A Waterfront Mall - quite an impressive shopping venue

We succumbed to the temptation from a gelato shop and enjoyed a gelato cone before continuing on our walk.

Seals relaxing on the pier

We returned to the ship, went through South African exit immigration, and obtained our sixth South African stamp on our passports from this trip. We have:
  1. Cape Town entry
  2. Durban exit
  3. Durban entry
  4. Johannesburg exit
  5. Johannesburg entry
  6. Cape Town exit
We're sure glad we have the extra pages in our passports.

Once back on the ship, we went to the Pool Grill for a snack. It was noticeably more crowded and seats were hard to come by. We're really feeling the impact of additional guests coming aboard. We should have around 400 guests on the ship now and it feels crowded. We're not looking forward to when we get completely full in The Canary Islands. We shared some fries, had a drink, and headed back to the cabin.

Cruise Director Nick made an announcement into the rooms at 3:50 reminding guests that everyone on the ship had to go through face-to-face immigration before 4:00. The last-minute stragglers moseyed off the ship to complete this required step so we could sail.

We went to the Observation Bar a little before 5:30, fully expecting to sail, but something delayed our departure for more than an hour. We did sail, but not before a dense fog rolled in. As I type this at 9:00, we are still sounding our fog horn.

We enjoyed dinner with friends in The Restaurant and retired to our room. We will be in bed by 9:30 tonight as we're still exhausted. Tomorrow is a sea day and we're ready for it.

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20250211 Seabourn Sojourn Grand Africa Cruise Day 78/96 - Sea Day

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