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Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Antarctic Cruise Day 17/40 - sea day - bread, Baggo, boats, and booze

Antarctic Cruise Day 17 / 40 - sea day 5/11 - bread, Baggo, boats, and booze

Trip day: 17 / 40
Port days: 6
Sea days: 10
Countries: 3
Continents: 2
Posts: 3

We were still moving around a bit this morning.  The captain reported at noon that this would continue for another day or so and then they expect the winds and seas to calm a bit.  The Polaris is riding through the 10-foot swells nicely.

We walk by the station where the chef is whipping up the amazing bread for the day at breakfast every day.  Here are the before pictures for a couple decorative products he was working on.

The guest Baggo squad regained our mojo today with a solid trouncing of the crew, turning it around after two straight losses.  Beverage Manager Tammy (lower right) rewarded us with lovely drinks.  Of course, that is all academic since she rewards us with drinks when we lose.

That's Entertainment Director Arann and Beverage Manager Tammy on the right

Trivia followed and thanks to exceptional teammates, we continued our unbeaten record. Of course, there were only two teams today, so we couldn't have finished worse than second place.

We started with another picture trivia - this time, airline tail art.

  1. Qatar Airways
  2. Singapore Airlines
  3. Emirates Airlines
  4. United Airlines
  5. British Airways
  6. Etihad Airways - we missed this one
  7. Lufthansa
  8. South African Airways
Entertainment Director, Arann, stepped up his trivia game today to the point that we only netted 7/15 correct.  The misses:
  1. In which country doe the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin take place?
    1. We agreed on Ireland over one team member's suggestion of Germany - it is Germany
  2. What is the traditional gift for a 15th wedding anniversary?
    1. We had no idea - it is crystal
  3. What is the capital of Tenerife and also a city in California?
    1. We guessed Santa Clara but it is Santa Cruz
  4. Having a beard precludes you from participating in what Olympic sport?
    1. I lobbied for boxing but was overruled by the team for wrestling - it is boxing
  5. What does the Queen of Clubs hold in her hand?
    1. We guessed a scepter - it is flowers
  6. What is graphology?
    1. We had no idea - it is handwriting analysis
  7. What is the color of the cross in the Greek flag?
    1. I lobbied for white but was overruled by more-traveled team members in favor of blue - it is white
  8. King Edward, Jersey Royal, and Maris Piper are all types of what?
    1. Again, we had no clue - they are all types of potato
With a total score of 14/23, we still managed to come up with the win.

The two of us along with two other passengers, sisters Debra & Linda, are on a boat-building team.  Teams of passengers are creating boats from items around the ship.  The boat has to float and has to be able to transport four full cans of soda.  This brought out the engineer in Arlona.  The sisters are working on some of the aesthetics and back story and Arlona is handling structural design.

I've masked the actual boat in case of spies from the other teams are reading the blog

The sail out will be on October 17th.  We expect it to be a great time.

We also met with our cocktail competition team.  Our plan is coming together and we'll start planning and practicing tomorrow.

At dinner tonight, the chef's bread creations from this morning were on display.

Also on display - the tuna that they brought onboard in Cabo Verde.

In honor of that, they were searing fresh, marinated tuna steaks to everyone's personal level of doneness.

After a lovely dinner chatting with friends, we once again headed to our seats in the Explorers' Bar for our nightly writing.

Tomorrow, we'll continue our projects, getting ready for the competitions on the 17th.

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