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Saturday, April 22, 2023

20230422 Celebrity Silhouette cruise - Day 3/21 Sea Day number two

Celebrity Silhouette cruise day 3 - we're still at sea

Trip day: 3 / 21

Today was the second sea day in a row en route to Bermuda.  That's nothing as when we sail tomorrow night, we'll have six consecutive sea days before we reach Cork, Ireland, and have a packed itinerary for the rest of this journey.

This morning started slow.  We lounged in bed until after 9AM and it was wonderful.  Then, we hustled to catch a quick breakfast before hitting 10AM trivia.  It is tough because we generally are playing as a two-person team competing against 5, 6, to 9-person teams.  There is no getting around nine minds being stronger than two.  Still, we missed winning by only one point.  Our misses;

  • Which distant planet takes 85 years to circle the sun?
    • We guessed Neptune - it was Uranus
  • What is a group of hummingbirds called?
    • We had no idea and guessed flutter - it is a charm of hummingbirds.
  • In which city can you find the first public opera house?
    • We guessed Florence - it's Venice
Walking out smarter, we headed back to the room and got ready for the officers versus guest water volleyball challenge.  Unfortunately, we were the only guests that actually played water volleyball.  The officers were cordial and let the guests get close, but ultimately, the officers won in a match where the rules were merely suggestions.  Still, it was all good fun.  The guests were all awarded these spiffy hats for a good effort.

As you walk around the Celebrity Silhouette, you see different types of art.  We found this particularly entertaining. It is a series of birdhouses, each with its own resident bird...on a video screen.  Fun!

After a little hot tub time following our defeat, we grabbed a light lunch before Arlona attended a watercolor session.  It was quick, self-directed, and had only marginal materials.  Still, she took this inspiration:

and produced this nice work.

Next up was afternoon trivia and wow - it did not go well! They have some very difficult trivia on this sailing.  That, coupled with competing against huge teams makes it difficult to win.  Our close but no cigar answers:
  • Where was modern chewing gum invented?
    • We thought of Wrigley so USA, but it was Mexico
  • What actress keeps her Oscar in the bathroom so guests can make speeches in the mirror, shame-free?
    • Kate Winslett
  • The Bermuda Triangle's vertices are Bermuda, Miami Florida, and where?
    • We thought the Bahamas, but it is Puerto Rico
  • What year did the BeeGees form?
    • 1958 - who knew?
  • How many languages are written right to left?
    • We thought of two - Hebrew and Arabic, and those are the major ones, but there are twelve
  • What animal breathes out of its butt?
    • Turns out it is turtles.  Do you smell something?
  • What English actor played Batman in the 2022 reboot?
    • Robert Pattinson
  • Humans have two distinct prints - fingerprint and what?
    • We thought retina, but it is a tongue
  • How many calories are in a standard Big Mac?
    • 563
  • What was Stephen King's first novel?
    • We overthought it - it was Carrie - duh
  • What animal character was invented by Eric Knight in 1938
    • Lassie
  • What was the first fruit eaten on the moon?
    • We guessed apple - it was a peach
As you can see from that long list - it didn't go well.  Oh well, we came away smarter.

Sunsets have been nice here at sea.  I meant to post this a couple days ago, but I'll share it now - Arlona captured this after we sailed from Miami.

We stopped for a drink before dinner and met a nice couple who hailed from the Lansing, Michigan area - where we used to live.  It is funny how many connections we have made on cruise ships.

After another nice dinner in Blu, we went to tonight's production show, Life. The performers are certainly talented, but these types of production shows just aren't our bag. We attended a raffle in the jewelry store which we also lost - the theme for the day.  Good thing as I think the prize was dry Prosecco - not a favorite of ours.

With festivities winding down, it was time to head to the Martini Bar and see bartender extraordinaire, Bagus, who we have sailed with before.

Seeing a friendly face that you recognize certainly improves the cruise experience and this sailing is no exception.

Tomorrow, we'll be in Bermuda. We plan to take a ferry to town and explore on our own.  If we have any other shenanigans tonight, I'll report on them in tomorrow's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Wow sorry about Trivia. You will do better I am sure. Glad you are enjoying everything about the ship.


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