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Friday, April 21, 2023

20230421 Celebrity Silhouette cruise - Day 2/21 Sea Day, Slow Day

 Celebrity Silhouette cruise day 2 - it's a sea day

Trip day: 2 / 21

Oww.  Seriously.  Oww.  Why?  Two words - Martini Bar.  Yes, I know better.  Yes, I understand what can happen.  But everything tasted so good last night and before you know it, I'm waking up this morning with a raging headache and a tummy not feeling so good either.  Ah, the joys of sailing.  I'll behave better today, I promise!

Couple that all with the fact that we set the clocks ahead an hour last night to Bermuda time and today will be a slow day!

It isn't like we're new at this.  This is our 29th cruise and today marks our 400th day on a cruise ship.  We will be at 411 by the end of this cruise.  By the end of this year, we'll hit 31 cruises and 500 days at sea.  This is our fourth cruise on a Celebrity Solstice class ship.  We've also cruised on the Solstice and Equinox.

T-shirts courtesy of our daughter

After a nice breakfast in the Oceanview Cafe and ingesting some nice, cold caffeine, I started feeling slightly more alive.  We attended our first trivia this morning.  We always have two outcomes - we win or we become smarter.  After today's performance, we should be darn near geniuses!  To say it was rough is an understatement.  We only nailed 12 out of 20 - basically a "D" performance.  Some of the misses:

  • What is the only mammal with four forward-facing knees?
    • Elephant
  • What element comes last, alphabetically?
    • We said Zinc and forgot about Zirconium
  • What is the point value of a Q in Scrabble?
    • We thought 8, it's 10
  • What is a group of Ostriches called - Pride or Prime?
    • Turns out Pride is an obscure term for ostriches
  • Is the largest opera house in New York or Sydney?
    • It's NYC
  • Where did Alexander the Great die?
    • Babylon
  • Where is Amstel Light beer from?
    • We overthought it - it's The Netherlands
  • What is the ancient Greek word for Great City?
    • We thought Acropolis, but it is Megalopolis
Ah well, bigger brains.

We perused the shops, grabbed lunch, and decided that lying on the bed and watching a movie was in order this afternoon. We watched Brenden Frasier's Academy Award-winning performance in The Whale.  We liked it.

There was more trivia this afternoon.  While we did much better, we did miss out on the win by two points. The misses:
  • When did the London Underground open?
    • 1863
  • What is the oldest known snack food dating to 610AD?
    • Pretzels, although there are references to popcorn dating back 4,000 years
  • In which 1969 James Bond movie did Bond marry?
    • On Her Majesty's Secret Service
  • Who said, "If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, you don't understand it yourself."?
    • Albert Einstein
  • How many James Bond films starred Sean Connery?
    • We thought six - it's seven
  • Name as many three-letter body parts as you can - 1 point each
    • We got eye, ear, lip, hip, toe, leg, arm, and gum, and forgot jaw and rib
Tonight was an evening chic dress night. 

Normally, we go all out, me in a tux and Arlona in an evening dress.  With our post-cruise extension in Paris, toting all that extra stuff wasn't going to happen. We still did a basic dress-up but were surprised at the extremely low participation rate on this cruise. I saw only three men in tuxes.  Times are changing on cruises.

We enjoyed a nice dinner in Blu, the restaurant reserved for guests in Aqua Class cabins. It provides a little more intimate dining experience and we like it.

Before tonight's show, the cruise director, Mike, introduced the captain and he, in turn, introduced his senior officers.  He mentioned that there are 1,271 crew aboard.  There is some dispute about how many passengers are aboard.  Some crewmembers reported 1,500 and others say it's under 1,000.  In any event, it's well below the capacity of 2,886 and it's great.  No crowd, no problem.

Tonight's show featured Edge Effect - a five-man a cappella group.

They were quite entertaining. Their beatboxer (on the right) was incredible.

We were surprised by these lovely flowers in our room tonight.  Nice touch, Celebrity!

Next up - a nightcap (or two - no more!) at the Martini Bar and writing this drivel for posterity!  It will be another sea day tomorrow before we arrive in Bermuda on Sunday.


We started chatting with some folks as I was wrapping this up.  As we continued to talk, we found out that they The Villages!  We always meet other Villages when we cruise.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are enjoying your cruise. Bagus did take care of you. 😆😆🍸🍸


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