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Tuesday, April 25, 2023

20230425 Celebrity Silhouette cruise - Day 6/21 winner winner!

Celebrity Silhouette cruise day 6 - winning!

Trip day: 6 / 21

 With the time change, we once again lounged in bed until 9AM.  Life is rough.  But, we needed to grab a quick shower and breakfast before heading to progressive trivia.  We were treated to a lovely rainbow at breakfast and that was a harbinger of things to come.

Trivia went a little better today with us scoring 14/21.  One constant is that many of the questions have spelling or grammar errors, or are simply badly worded.  The other constant is that the answers are occasionally wrong.  Today was one of those days.  Our misses:

  • Which US President was also a licensed bartender?
    • We guessed George W. Bush, but it was Abraham Lincoln
  • What is the atomic number of lithium?
    • 3 - we didn't know it was so light
  • What is the loudest animal on earth?
    • We guessed elephant - it is the sperm whale
  • What is the name of a horse/zebra hybrid - one point for the two potential names based on whether the male/female is horse/zebra or zebra/horse?
    • We guessed Zorse, which is the correct name for the offspring of a male zebra and female horse - and Horsra, which is wrong - it is Hebra or Horsebra, but the answer was Zonkey which is actually a zebra/donkey hybrid - like I said - wrong answers
  • What bird has two legs but cannot walk?
    • Hummingbird - we should have known that
  • What is the hottest planet?
    • We have had this question too many times and always second guess ourselves - it is Venus, but we guessed Mercury
  • CNBC stands for what?
    • Consumer News and Business Channel
After trivia, Arlona went to paint again.  Here was her inspiration:

And her interpretation:

Astute readers of this blog will notice her trademark three birds in each painting

While she was busy enriching herself, I was busy enrichening myself.  I should have had a feeling, as I caught another rainbow off the deck of our room.

I attended a slot pull that was organized by a member of this cruise's Facebook group.  Twelve of us all put in $20 for a total of $240 with the agreement that if we doubled our money, we would cash out and split the proceeds.  Otherwise, we would reinvest the winnings until the pot was exhausted - the usual outcome.  

Today was different, however as two of the ladies had hot hands.  We cashed out $760 and ended up tripling our money.  The leftover few bucks turned into a few additional spins.  Woo!  Winner winner!

The temperatures dropped to the upper 50s today.  That coupled with 45MPH winds shut down the outdoor decks.  Waves of 11+ feet kept the ship a-rockin' and a-rollin', making for entertaining times watching folks walk.  We've been through much worse than this, so getting around is no big deal for us.

Afternoon trivia was brutal - a poor performance, but again, we're operating alone.  The goofs:
  • In the 1800's rather than "cheese", the name of what dried fruit was used to make people smile for photos?
    • We assumed raisin - it was prune, and that explains why everyone from the 1800s looked that way in photos
  • What Marilyn Monroe 1955 movie featured the famous blown-up skirt scene?
    • We thought it was Some Like It Hot - it was The Seven Year Itch
  • How many measures of gin are in the Vesper martini from James Bond fame?
    • 3 - plus one part vodka and other ingredients
  • In the 2017 Oscar ceremony - who announced the incorrect winner?
    • Faye Dunaway
  • Name the character that Walt Disney played in a school production?
    • Peter Pan
  • According to Forbes, who was the highest-paid actor in 2022?
    • We guessed Tom Cruise - it was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
  • How many husbands did Elizabeth Taylor have?
    • We guessed 8 - her answer was 7, but...she married Richard Burton twice and the host said it was the number of wedding ceremonies - so even though we were right, we got it wrong - another example of Celebrity's poor trivia
  • What UK city will host the 2023 Eurovision competition?
    • We guessed London, but it's Liverpool
  • who was the first scientist to receive two Nobel prizes, and for what?
    • Marie Currie for radioactivity and radium
  • Where did pineapples originally grow?
    • South America
Oh well, we're smarter.

The ship continued moving as we continue north.  We had another good meal in Blu tonight.  Next up was tonight's show - violinist Analisa Ching.

She put on a high-energy show of violin music, from classics to rock & roll.  We enjoyed it. While she was quite talented, overall, the show needed...something.  Still, it was nice for something different.

After dinner, we retreated to the Martini Bar where we enjoyed tasty beverages and nice conversation with fellow guests.

We returned to our stateroom to finish this entry and prepare for bed.  We lose another hour tonight so tomorrow morning will come all too fast.  It's another sea day, so we'll see you all then.

1 comment:

  1. The North Atlantic can sometimes not be your friend🥰


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